Tuesday 20 September 2011

Learning one gigabyte at a time..

I’m approximately three weeks into my educational journey in the Tech Cohort, and couldn’t be more amazed at all that I have learned. Looking back at myself three weeks ago, I feel as though I am reflecting about a different person. That’s not to say that I have been morphed into a completely new person, I have just noticed that my thoughts, knowledge, and ideas about technology have exploded into something I never even imagined. Sure, I knew what a SMART board was, but if I was asked to explain any of the features or even how to plug one into my computer, I was a deer in the headlights. However, after three great sessions of training that is no longer the case. I have been introduced to many new tools and programs not only by my knowledgeable advisors, but by a group of inspirational learners in the same position that I am in. I feel extremely grateful to be a part of a group that is striving to set new and innovative goals for education and learning.

                Now that I do know the basics of some of the recent innovative tools for education, I find myself expressing concerns that seem to be quite common among my peers. What if I get to my placement school and find the tools I’ve been learning about are nowhere to be seen? How can we reach students that don’t have the money to buy a cell phone? Collectively as a technology cohort, we have to remember that this is just a barrier to overcome! One of the many things I learned in the Concurrent program is that there are always going to be challenges in any school and with the knowledge we have been given in these past three weeks, I know that there are always going to be answers to any dilemma. Whether it is through collaboration, creating stations in a classroom, or even asking a colleague to borrow a certain tool, students can still be inspired to learn in new ways. Education is changing and as educators we need to change with it in order to reach a new generation of thinkers. I’m not exactly sure where this year is going to take me, all I know is I have been given a great opportunity and the foundation to create something amazing.

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